Krang es una banda de punk rock surgida en Valasske Mezirici, República Checa.
01- Baddest Brain (2016) (Reedición 2020)
1. Lions of Kurdistan
2. Krang must be sXe
3. Skateistan
4. I wanna be Hellboy
5. Casey Jones
6. Nazi at the HC show
7. First blood
8. Seagull
9. Simon Phoenix
10. Top Fun
11. OK USA
02- Singalong (2018)
1. Life is like a Mortal Kombat
3. King of a dancefloor
4. No fun in fundamentalism
5. Zombies should be slow
6. I Ain't got time to bleed
7. Indiana Jones hates nazis and snakes
8. Better dead than brown or red
9. Fuck fast fashion
10. Kick ass or chew bubble gum
11. Help (Beatles cover)
el mejor grupo