Fucked Up es una banda punk con toques de rock experimental formada en 2001 en Toronto, Canadá. Con varios años en la escena, llegaron a su punto culminante y al reconocimiento mundial en 2009, cuando ganaron el Polaris Prize –otorgado a la mejor banda canadiense—por su disco "The Chemistry Of Common Life".
01- Fucked Up + Haymaker (Split EP) (2002)
01- A Light That Never Comes On
02- Black Iron Prison
03- Red
04- The Black Rats
05- Surrounded By Boys
02- No Pasarán (EP) (2002)

1. No Pasaran
2. Circling The Drain
03- Baiting The Public (EP) (2003)
1. Baiting
2. The Public
04- Police (EP) (2003)
01- Police
02- Municipal Prick
03- Police
05- Dance Of Death (EP) (2003)
1. Dance of Death
2. Zezozose
06- Epics In Minutes (EP) (2003)
1. Epics in Minutes
2. Search for the Words
07- Epics In Minutes (Compilation) (2003)
1. Color Of Removal
2. What Could've Been
3. Baiting The Public
4. Last Man Standing
5. Litany
6. Police
7. Circling The Drain
8. Reset The Ride
9. A Light That Never Comes On
10. Generation
11. Red
12. Dance Of Death
13. Cult Radio Set
14. The Lurking Fear (Demo)
15. Circling The Drain (Demo)
16. The Achillies List (Demo)
17. Sleep Tight (Demo)
18. Sirens (Demo)
19. Piece By Piece (Demo)
20. Following (Demo)
21. Land Of Nod (Demo)
08- Litany (EP) (2004)
1. Litany
2. What Could Have Been
3. Colour Removal
4. Reset the Ride
09- Looking For Gold (EP) (2004)
01- Looking For Gold
02- Fate Of Fates
10- Generation (EP) (2005)
1. Generation
2. Ban Violins
3. Magic Kingdom
11- Triumph Of Life (EP) (2005)
1. Triumph of Life
2. Neat Parts
12- Dangerous Fumes (EP) (2006)
01- Teenage Problems
02- Dangerous Fumes
03- Fixed Race (German Version EP)
13- Humos Peligrosos (EP) (2006)
01- Humos Peligrosos
02- Carrera Amañada
14- Town Of Hardcore - Fucked Up + Think I Care (Split Live EP) (2006)
01- Fucked Up - Color Removal (Live)
02- Fucked Up - Police (Live)
03- Think I Care - 28 Visions (Live)
04- Think I Care - Disease Live)
05- Think I Care - Nature Of The Beast (Live)
15- Dolly Mixture (EP) (2006)
01- Dream Come True
02- Dream Come True (Manno Vocals)
03- He's So Frisky
04- He's So Frisky (Manno Vocals)
16- Hidden World (2006)
1. Crusades
2. David Comes To Life
3. Invisible Leader
4. Carried Out To Sea
5. Baiting The Public
6. Fate Of Fates
7. Two Snakes
8. Hidden World
9. Manqueller Man
10. Blaze Of Glory
11. Triumph Of Life
12. Jacob's Ladder
13. Vivian Girls
17- Shop Assistants (EP) (2006)
1. I Don't Wanna Be Friends with You
2. I Don't Wanna Be Friends with You (ft. Manno)
3. Looking Back
4. Looking Back (ft. Manno)
18- Two Snakes (EP) (2006)
1. Two Snakes Part 1
2. Two Snakes Part 2
19- Year Of The Dog (EP) (2006)
1. Year Of The Dog
2. Last Man Standing
20- David Christmas (EP) (2007)
1. David Christmas
2. Stars on 45
21- Fucked Up + Hard Skin (Split EP) (2007)
01- Fucked Up - Toronto FC
02- Hard Skin - 1,2,3 (The Professionals cover)
03- Hard Skin - New Age (Blitz cover)
22- No Epiphany (EP) (2008)
1. No Epiphany
2. No Epiphany (No Age remix)
23- Crooked Head (EP) (2008)
1. Crooked Head
2. I Hate Summer
24- The Chemistry Of Common Life (2008)
1. Son the Father
2. Magic Word
3. Golden Seal
4. Days of Last
5. Crooked Head
6. No Epiphany
7. Black Albino Bones
8. Royal Swan
9. Twice Born
10. Looking for God
11. The Chemistry of Common Life
25- Year Of The Pig (EP) (2008)
01- Year Of The Pig
02- The Black Hats
03- Year Of The Pig (US edit) (US EP)
04- Mustaa Lunta (US EP)
05- Year Of The Pig (UK edit) (UK EP)
06- Anorak City (UK EP)
07- Year Of The Pig (Japan Edit) (Japan EP)
08- For My Friends (Japan EP)
26- Year Of The Rat (EP) (2009)
1. Year of the Rat
2. First Born
27- Fucked Up + Serena Maneesh (Split EP) (2010)
01- Fucked Up - Here Lies Are
02- Serena Maneesh - Opium Priest
01- Couple Tracks
02- Heir Apparent
29- David's Plan (EP) (2010)
1. David's Plan
2. Do They Know it's Christmas
30- Daytrotter (EP) (2010)
1. Magic Word
2. David Comes to Life
3. Crooked Head
01- Year Of The Ox
02- Solomon's Song
32- Looking For Life 2002-2009 (Compilation) (2010)
01- Looking For Gold Pt. 1 (Looking For Gold EP)
02- Looking For Gold Pt. 2 (Looking For Gold EP)
03- Black Iron Prison (Split with Haymaker)
04- Dove Of Wood (Split with Haymaker)
05- Red (Split with Haymaker)
06- The Black Rats (Split with Haymaker)
07- Surrounded By Boys (Split with Haymaker)
08- Looking For Life (Demo) (Mixtape Volume 1)
09- I Don't Wanna Be Friends With You (Manno Version) (Shop Assistant EP)
10- Looking Back (Manno Version) (Shop Assistant EP)
11- He's So Frisky (Manno Version) (Dolly Mixture EP)
12- Dream Come True (Manno Version) (Dolly Mixture EP)
13- Job (Nubs cover) (feat. Martin Farkas) (Mixtape Volume 1)
14- 88 (Town Of Hardcore Vol. 6)
15- Dropout (Generations A Hardcore Compilation)
16- The Line (Billy Talent ''diss'' song)
17- Try A Little Togetherness (Younghearts cover) (Killed By Canada Compilation)
18- Since U Been Gone (Kelly Clarkson cover) (Since U Been Gone EP)
19- Crooked Head (Daytrotter Version)
20- No Epiphany (Daytrotter Version)
21- Year Of The Pig (UK Edit)
22- For My Friends (Castlemusic cover) (Year Of The Pig Japanese Edit)
23- Color Removal (Live) (Split with Think I Care)
24- Police (Live) (Split with Think I Care)
25- Son Of Sam (Chain Gang cover) (Shred Yr Face Vol. 2)
26- First Born (Year Of The Rat EP)
33- Couple Tracks - Singles 2002-2009 (Compilation) (2010)
CD 1 (The Hard Stuff)
01. No Pasaran
02. Neat Parts
03. Generation
04. Ban Violins
05. Dangerous Fumes
06. Triumph Of Life
07. Fixed Race
08. Toronto Fc
09. Black Hats
10. David Christmas
11. No Epiphany
12. Crooked Head
CD 2 (The Fun Stuff)
01. I Hate Summer
02. Teenage Problems
03. Carried Out To The Sea
04. Looking Back
05. Anorak City
06. I Don't Wanna Be Friends With You
07. Mustaa Lunta
08. Dream Come True
09. Magic Kingdom
10. Magic Word
11. Last Man Standing
12. He's So Frisky
13. David Comes To Life
01- Octavio Made The Bomb
02- What Would You Do (Veronica Boisson)
36- Byrdesdale Garden City (EP) (2011)

01- Byrdesdale Garden City
02- Into The Light
37- The Other Shoe (EP)
01- The Other Shoe
02- The Truest Road
38- David Comes To Life (2011)
1. Let Her Rest
2. Queen of Hearts
3. Under My Nose
4. The Other Shoe
5. Turn the Season
6. Running On Nothing
7. Remember My Name
8. A Slanted Tone
9. Serve Me Right
10. Truth I Know
11. Life In Paper
12. Ship of Fools
13. A Little Death
14. I Was There
15. Inside a Frame
16. The Recursive Girl
17. One More Night
18. Lights Go Up
01- The Dirtbombs - If We Can
02- Fucked Up - I Hate Summer
40- Year Of The Tiger (EP) (2012)
1. Year of the Tiger
2. Onno
41- Paper The House (EP) (2014)
01- Paper The House
02- Galloping
42- Blink (EP) (2014)
01- Blink
02- The Way We Did
43- Glass Boys (2014)
1. Echo Boomer
2. Touch Stone
3. Sun Glass
4. The Arts of Patrons
5. Warm Change
6. Paper the House
7. DET
8. Led by Hand
9. The Great Divide
10. Glass Boys
01- Year Of The Dragon
02- I Wanna Be A Yank (Cardboard Brains cover)
03- Disorder (The Ugly cover)
45- Year Of The Hare (EP) (2015)
02- California Cold
46- Dose Your Dreams (2018)
2. Raise Your Voice Joyce
3. Tell Me What You See
4. Normal People
5. Torch to Light
6. Talking Pictures
7. House of Keys
8. Dose Your Dreams
9. Living in a Simulation
10. I Don’t Wanna Live in This World Anymore
11. How to Die Happy
12. Two I’s Closed
13. The One I Want Will Come for Me
14. Mechanical Bull
15. Accelerate
16. Came Down Wrong
17. Love Is an Island in the Sea
18. Joy Stops Time
Agregado el nuevo EP de Fucked Up: "Year Of The Hare".
ResponderEliminarSe agradece tu aporte
ResponderEliminarAgregado el nuevo disco de Fucked Up: "Dose Your Dreams"
ResponderEliminarTodos los links de Fucked Up resubidos.
ResponderEliminarAny chance for the newest EP: High Rise b/w Tower on Time
ResponderEliminarI bought the LPs of Year of the Dog, Year of the Rat, Hidden World but without download cards, so thank you for these uploads!
ResponderEliminarAny chance you can upload last year’s year of the horse double disc release?
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarThanx a lot!