martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Gets Worse


Gets Worse es una banda de powerviolence formada en Leeds, Inglaterra.


01- Demo (2012)

1. ...
2. No Fuss
3. Kill Shot
4. Armchair Activist
5. Ready For The Weakening 
6. Toothless
7. Beyond Words
8. Liquor Lobotomy

02- Gets Worse (2012)

1. Tuff Guy
2. Cheapass Weekend
3. False Friends
4. Individualised Floor Puncher (Charles Bronson)
5. Loner
6. Ready for the Weakening
7. Kill Shot
8. Armchair Activist
9. ... No Fuss
10. Toothless
11. Beyond Words
12. Liquor Lobotomy
13. Straight Up Schrompfin

03- Negative (2013)

1. Negative PV.....Too Much Talk
2. Excessive Bullshit
3. Scabs
4. Neighbourhood Ninja
5. Pessimist
6. Positive PV?
7. Stubborn

04- Year Of The Bastard (EP) (2013)

1. No Resolve
2. Daily Fail
3. Tunnel of Goat!
4. Year of the Bastard

05- Split with Fissure (2014)

01- Gets Worse - Boring Legend
02- Gets Worse - No Remorse
03- Gets Worse - Push Past The Trash
04- Gets Worse - No Shep
05- Fissure - Manos Sin Dedos
06- Fissure - You Were Never Funny
07- Fissure - Hey, At Least It Wasn't Barbed Wire
08- Fissure - No Me Digas Secretos, Te Apesta La Boca
09- Fissure - 30 Miles Of Diarrhea

06- Hardcore Is My Life, I'll Carry The Name (Split with Henry Fonda) (2015)

01- Henry Fonda - Tausend Messer
02- Henry Fonda - Murder Reign
03- Henry Fonda - Erklär Mir Die Welt
04- Henry Fonda - Love Pigs, Hate Cops
05- Henry Fonda - Slave To The Coin
06- Gets Worse - Anxiety
07- Gets Worse - Disposable
08- Gets Worse - Mouth Breather
09- Gets Worse - Spiteful Keaton
10- Gets Worse - Ungraceful Fall

07- The Blues (2015)

1. Trap Elvis
2. Splashback
3. Wolf Spit
4. Fuck's Bizz
5. Berk Jerker
6. Rejection Park
7. Empty Your Pockets
8. Banged Down
9. Cause for Regret

08- White Horse (2015)

1. Unoccupied Skull
2. Seethe The Day
3. Weakday Dropout
4. Morning Sunshine (Negged)
5. Nothing Lasts
6. Not Even Phased
7. Hang Up On The Hang Low

09- Yellow Belly (2015)

1. Premium Buckner
2. Curveball
3. Cut Loose 
4. Space Boys
5. Trashboat
6. Chancer
7. Schrompher Rise

10- Split with Endless Swarm (2016)

01- Gets Worse - Get In The Bin
02- Gets Worse - Bottom Feeder
03- Gets Worse - Pastry Violence
04- Gets Worse - Full Nobleman
05- Endless Swarm - Paradox
06- Endless Swarm - Body Count
07- Endless Swarm - Cesspool
08- Endless Swarm - Suppress

11- Blacked Out (EP) (2017)

1. Black Hole
2. Long Tooth
3. Struggle
4. Weathered
5. Aim Low
6. Riff Tannen

12- Struggle (Compilation) (2017)

01- Unoccupied Skull
02- Seethe The Day
03- Weakday Dropout
04- Morning Sunshine (Negged)
05- Nothing Lasts
06- Not Even Phased
07- Hang Up On The Hang Low
08- Premium Buckner
09- Curveball
10- Cut Loose
11- Space Boys 3
12- Trashboat
13- Chancer
14- Schrompher Rise
15- Trap Elvis
16- Splashback
17- Wolf Spit
18- Fuck's Bizz
19- Berk Jerker
20- Rejection Park
21- Empty Your Pockets
22- Banged Down
23- Cause For Regret
24- Black Hole
25- Long Tooth
26- Struggle
27- Weathered
28- Aim Low
29- Riff Tannen

13- Memories To Forget (Compilation) (2019)

01- Tuff Guy
02- Cheapass Weekend
03- False Friends
04- Individualised Floor Puncher (Charles Bronson cover)
05- Loner
06- Ready For The Weakening
07- Kill Shot
08- Armchair Activist
09- ...No Fuss
10- Toothless
11- Beyond Words
12- Liquor Lobotomy
13- Straight Up Schrompfin
14- Negative PV... Too Much Talk
15- Excessive Bullshit
16- Scabs
17- Neighbourhood Ninja
18- Pessimist
19- Positive PV
20- Stubborn

14- Snubbed (2019)

1. Empty Tank
2. Attendance Report
3. Hamster Food
4. Awkwardly Close
5. Dernard vs Drenrad
6. Crushed
7. El Belcho
8. Panic Shredder
9. Carlton Negged
10. Neck Vein
11. Fun Borrower
12. Shwoe Is Me
13. Redundant
14. Kool Brewster
15. 20 Gigaherpz
16. Mumbloid
17. Doppelkinda
18. Heart Leaker
19. Flies
20. Rest in Schromph

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